Arkansas code 1-2-119 provides:
The common law of England, so far as it is applicable and of a general nature, and all statutes of the British Parliament in aid of or to supply the defects of the common law made prior to March 24, 1606, which are applicable to our own form of government, of a general nature and not local to that kingdom, and not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States or the Constitution and laws of this state, shall be the rule of decision in this state unless altered or repealed by the General Assembly of this state.

Clinton v. Morrow, 247 SW 2d 1015 - Ark: Supreme Court 1952 states:
The general rule on this question is stated as follows in 38 Am.Jur., Names, § 28: "In the absence of a statute to the contrary, a person may ordinarily change his name at will, without any legal proceedings, merely by adopting another name. He may not do so, however, for fraudulent purposes. In most jurisdictions, a change of one's name is regulated by statutes which prescribe the proceedings by which such change is to be accomplished. These statutes merely affirm, and are in aid of, the common-law rule. They do not repeal the common law by implication or otherwise, but afford an additional method of effecting a change of name."

Walker v. Jackson, 391 F. Supp. 1395 (E.D. Ark. 1975) states:
However, Arkansas recognizes another common law rule that in the absence of fraud a person can change his name at will. Clinton v. Morrow, 220 Ark. 377, 247 S.W.2d 1015 (1952). And in the earlier case of Kirk v. Bonner, 186 Ark. 1063, 57 S.W.2d 802 (1933), the Court stated that the purpose of a name is to designate a person, and that the purpose is accomplished when the name is that by which a person is known or called; and the Court went so far as to say that a person may be known by two names in the same County.

Stamps v. Rawlins, 761 SW 2d 933 - Ark: Supreme Court 1988 states:
As we explained in Clinton v. Morrow, 220 Ark. 377, 247 S.W.2d 1015 (1952), and Carroll v. Johnson, 263 Ark. 280, 565 S.W.2d 10 (1978), this statute does not repeal the common law power of a chancery court to change a minor's name when it is in the best interest of the minor to so do. The statute simply affords an additional method of effecting a name change and is supplementary to the common law. Further, this is a matter in which the chancellor has broad discretion. Clinton v. Morrow, supra.

McCullough v. Henderson, 804 SW 2d 368 - Ark: Supreme Court 1991 states:
In Stamps v. Rawlins, 297 Ark. 370, 761 S.W.2d 933 (1988), we addressed the power of chancery courts to change the names of children in the context of other provisions of our code:
As we explained in Clinton v. Morrow, 220 Ark. 377, 247 S.W.2d 1015 (1952), and Carroll v. Johnson, 263 Ark. 280, 565 S.W.2d 10 (1978), this statute does not repeal the common law power of a chancery court to change a minor's name when it is in the best interest of the minor to so do. The statute simply affords an additional method of effecting a name change and is supplementary to the common law. Further, this is a matter in which the chancellor has broad discretion. Clinton v. Morrow, supra.
